Source code for libvis.VisVars

from legimens import Object
from . import interface as ifc

[docs]class VisVars(Object): name='VisVar' def _prepare_send(self, name, value): o = ifc.serialize_to_vis(value) # Make sure that any nested children that are objects # are converted to ref(object) name, value = super()._prepare_send(name, o) return name, value
[docs]class VisObject(VisVars): name='VisVar' def __init__(self, value): super().__init__() self.body = value
[docs]class VisHooks(VisVars): name='VisVar' def __init__(self, value): super().__init__() self.body = value
[docs] def on_receive(self, func): def _commit_update(update): func(update) self._commit_update = _commit_update
[docs] def set_serializer(self, ser): def _prepare_send(name, value): return name, ser(value) self._prepare_send = _prepare_send