Source code for libvis.VisWorker

import webbrowser
from legimens import App
from loguru import logger as log
import sys

from libvis import ref
from .helpers.threaded import threaded
from .http_server import create_server as create_http
from .VisVars import VisVars, VisObject
from .interface import add_serializer, serialize_to_vis

[docs]class Vis(): def __init__(self, ws_port = 7700, vis_port=7000 , nb_name=None , debug=False , allow_remote=False ): self.ws_port = ws_port self.vis_port = vis_port if debug: log_level = 'DEBUG' else: log_level = 'ERROR' self.nb_name = nb_name self.addr = '' if allow_remote else 'localhost' = App(addr=self.addr, port=ws_port) = VisVars() = serialize_to_vis self.vars = self.configure_logging(log_level) self.start() # -- Starts
[docs] def start(self): """ Start visualization process. Main entry point of legimens. Called upon initialization of this class. 1. Starts an http server with dashboard app on `vis_port`. 2. Starts the legimens app using ``. Raises: Exception: Something went wrong when starting http or websocket server in legimens. """ try: self.start_http(self.addr, self.vis_port) except Exception as e: print(f"Webapp HTTP server failed to start at {self.addr}:{self.vis_port}." " To start manually: `Vis.start_http(port)`." " Error was:", e , file=sys.stderr) if not else: print("Legimens app is already running, what are you doing? To stop: `Vis.stop()`")
[docs] def start_http(self, addr=None, port=None): """ Start the http server on `addr` and `port`. """ if port is None: port=self.vis_port if addr is None: port=self.addr self.http_server = create_http(port=port, addr=addr) self.phttp = threaded( self.http_server.serve_forever, name='http') print(f'Started libvis app at http://{addr}:{port}')
# --
[docs] def use(self, type_, serializer): """ Add a serializer to :meth:`libvis.interface.IFC`. """ add_serializer(type_, serializer)
[docs] def watch(self, obj, key, serializer=None): """ Sets `libvis` to watch an object. Parameters: obj: the object to watch, has to be serializable. key (str): name of the object variable. serializer (callable): optional function that converts objects of type(obj) to serializable. For sending updates we can use existing channel created for ``vis.vars``, but this would introduce overhead. Hence, a new channel is created by creating a :meth:`libvis.VisVars.VisObject` of type :meth:`legimens.Object`. It is a wrapper that has single ``body`` attribute. Legimens will send serialized :meth:`legimens.Object` every ```` seconds. Returns `ref` of the proxy ``VisObject``. """ proxy_obj = VisObject(obj) # it will register. is it bad? self.vars.__setattr__(key, proxy_obj) if serializer: # Note: this will act on *any* object of the same type self.use(type(obj), serializer) return ref(proxy_obj)
[docs] def show(self): """ Open libvis dashboard in browser. """ if self.nb_name: params = '?p='+self.nb_name else: params = '' webbrowser.open_new_tab( f"http://{self.addr}:{self.vis_port}/{params}" )
[docs] def configure_logging(self, level, sink=sys.stderr): """ Sets up logging verbosity. Args: level (str): ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE sink: stream or file for logs """ log.remove() log.add(sink, level=level)
# -- Stops
[docs] def stop_http(self): """ Stops the http threaded server. """ if hasattr(self, 'phttp'): if self.phttp.is_alive(): self.http_server.shutdown() self.http_server.server_close() self.phttp.join() else: print('Warning: no http server to stop.')
[docs] def stop(self): print("Stopping webapp http server: `Vis.stop_http()`...", end="", flush=True) self.stop_http() print(" OK") print("Stopping websocket server: ``...", end="", flush=True) print(" OK")
# --