Source code for libvis.interface

import json
from .VisVars import VisVars
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib
    import mpld3
    import bokeh
    #mpld3 hack
    from mpld3 import _display
[docs] class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): import numpy as np if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
_display.NumpyEncoder = NumpyEncoder except Exception as e: print(e) # -- Configure IFC map: type->serializer IFC = {}
[docs]def add_serializer(type, ser): IFC[type] = ser
[docs]def reset_IFC(): """ Reinitialize global value of IFC Should I have global IFC or local to Vis obj? For: Different Vis instances might share set up visualization so no need to configure them separately. Against: Different Vis may serve different purposes, so there might be a need to configure them differently. """ def __x(): pass IFC.clear() add_serializer(type(__x), str) add_serializer(type(print), str)
reset_IFC() # --
[docs]def serialize_to_vis(value): value, type_= preprocess_value(value) return {'value': value, 'type': type_}
[docs]def infer_type(val): if isinstance(val, VisVars): type_ = type(val).name else : type_ = type(val).__name__ return type_
[docs]def preprocess_value(val): try: # Note: libvis object is dict and will throw KeyError _ = val.vis_repr ret, type_ = val.vis_repr() return ret, type_ except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass if type(val) in IFC.keys(): type_ = infer_type(val) ret = IFC[type(val)](val) elif is_bokeh(val): ret = bokeh.embed.file_html(val, bokeh.resources.Resources('cdn')) type_ = 'mpl' elif is_mpl(val): ret = mpld3.fig_to_html(val) type_ = 'mpl' elif is_numpy(val): ret, type_ = ndarray_val(val) elif isinstance(val, VisVars): ret, type_ = vismodule_val(val) else: ret = val type_ = 'raw' return ret, type_
[docs]def vismodule_val(val): ret = val._ref() type_ = return ret, type_
[docs]def ndarray_val(val): sh = val.shape ret = None if len(sh) >= 2: if sh[0]>10 and sh[1]>10: ret = numpy_to_image(val) type_='_img' else: ret = val.tolist() type_ = 'raw' else: ret = val.tolist() type_ = 'raw' return ret, type_
[docs]def numpy_to_image(val): sh = val.shape alpha = np.ones(list(sh[:2])+[1])*255 if len(sh)==2: # Grayscale image val = val.reshape(sh[0],-1,1) val = np.concatenate((val,val,val,alpha),axis = -1) if len(sh)==3: # Color image val = np.concatenate((val,alpha), axis=-1) val = val.flatten() ret = list(sh[:2]) + val.tolist() return ret
def _siletly_catch_return_false(f): def g(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: return False return g
[docs]@_siletly_catch_return_false def is_mpl(val): return isinstance(val, matplotlib.figure.Figure)
[docs]@_siletly_catch_return_false def is_bokeh(val): return isinstance(val,bokeh.model.Model) or isinstance(val,bokeh.document.document.Document)
[docs]@_siletly_catch_return_false def is_numpy(val): return isinstance(val, np.ndarray)